One of the nine original drawings in Piercing the Veil, created by the renowned artist, Susan Szecsi

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Are you worried about the state of the world?

Are you anxious about your own future?

Have you ever examined your life and wondered, “Is this all there is?”

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you are in the right place.

Storytelling: Gateway to Worlds Unseen™


Hi. My name is Kingsley Guy. Welcome to my website.

I’m an author, journalist, and storyteller whose purpose at this point in my life is to share the message that Unseen Worlds are real, and that intelligent forces from spiritual realms interact with us and help to shape our lives. This is something people have known since the dawn of civilization, and even before, but in the last couple of centuries that knowledge has often been obscured by humanity’s headlong rush into materialism. This has blinded so many people to the reality that there is far more to existence than what can be grasped through the five senses.

Yet, the evidence demonstrating the existence of Unseen Worlds is indisputable. All we need to do to experience it is open our hearts and minds, become willing to step out of our comfort zone and take even the smallest steps in exploring spiritual realms.

In my memoir, the 2019 Nautilus Book Awards Winner and Amazon #1 Bestseller, Piercing the Veil: A Skeptical Journalist Discovers Unseen Worlds, I share the spiritual journey that took me throughout the world, and into profound states of spiritual consciousness. I even witnessed events that defied the known laws of physics. I’ve also written a novel, Amazon #1 Bestseller Queen of the Heavens, which immerses the reader in the spiritual dynamics of ancient Egypt through the story of a young girl with miraculous healing powers who rises from commoner to queen. You can find out more about Piercing the Veil and Queen of the Heavens by clicking on “Books” at the top of this page.

But, aside from the books, I want to invite you to join me in building an online community where we can explore Unseen Worlds — together.

I’m conducting interviews, accessible through my Piercing the Veil YouTube channel and this website, with people who have had profound interactions with Unseen Worlds that helped shape their lives. Perhaps you’ve had such an experience and would like to participate. I’m also writing blog posts that explore spiritual ideas, and posting articles and comments from community members.

I invite you to join the community.

Just click on the “Subscribe” button below, leave your email and fill out the other fields if you wish — including whether you’d like to be considered for an interview on our YouTube Piercing the Veil channel. By joining the community, you’ll be kept informed about new blog posts, captivating interviews, and upcoming events — and, you’ll be able to share in the dialogue.

I’m not a guru preaching some kind of dogma. There are many paths to the top of the mountain, and it’s up to people to determine for themselves which path to follow. I can say unequivocally, however, that spiritual journeys are the most exciting journeys people can take. If you haven’t already embarked on one, I’d encourage you to follow the synchronicities — those coincidences with meaning — that open spiritual doors. You might find the journey taking you to places you never could have imagined.

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"I read Kingsley Guy's Piercing the Veil in one sitting. I rarely do that, I was just so fascinated to keep turning the pages to find out what happened next. I encourage people to read his books." "Queen of the Heavens is a fascinating novel."
Jack Canfield
Sold over half a billion books worldwide with the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

Nautilus Book Awards Winner and Amazon #1 Bestselling author, Kingsley Guy (right), with Jack Canfield, who has sold over half a billion books worldwide with the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. They’re with Lynn S. Bachrach, Kingsley’s publicist, and the president of ttlharmony Publishing.

Meet Kingsley Guy

Kingsley Guy is a Nautilus Book Awards Winner, Amazon #1 Bestselling author and a journalist who uses storytelling to open gateways to Unseen Worlds. 

Kingsley was employed by the South Florida Sun Sentinel newspaper for thirty years, including twenty-three as Editorial Page Editor. His career included assignments in the Middle East, India, Russia and China. He conversed with hundreds of prominent newsmakers, including John McCain, Hillary Clinton, John Glenn, Mikhail Gorbachev, Madeleine Albright and Edgar Mitchell, sixth man to walk on the moon. He is a frequent guest on radio and television.

Kingsley spent decades traveling the world in search of spiritual understanding. He used to be a skeptical journalist who hurt inside. His mother committed suicide. He became an alcoholic. Kingsley sobered up and over a period of thirty years experienced a series of profound spiritual events that brought deep and profound meaning to his life – after he had all but given up hope.

He shares his journey in his gripping memoir, Piercing the Veil: A Skeptical Journalist Discovers Unseen Worlds. In addition, Kingsley is the author of the inspiring historical-spiritual novel, Queen of the Heavens, and the host of the popular “Piercing the Veil” YouTube channel, dedicated to providing an avenue for people to talk about spiritual events that have taken place in their lives. By discussing the reality of Unseen Worlds, Kingsley believes, our culture can start reconnecting to the Wisdom of the Ages. 

2019 Nautilus Book Awards Winner

The Nautilus Book Awards are an annual accolade of books held in high-regard for recognizing and promoting outstanding print books that nurture positive change to co-create a Better World. Established in the US in 1998, it is considered a major book award and has been conferred to prominent authors including the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hanh and Eckhart Tolle.

Kingsley Guy, author of Piercing the Veil: A Skeptical Journalist Discovers Unseen Worlds, was recognized for excellence and high standards of both substantive message and literary presentation, reflected in the honor of receiving the 2019 Nautilus Silver Award in the Religion/Spirituality of Other Traditions category.

Intelligent forces from Unseen Worlds help inform and direct the lives of people in this world. I don’t just believe this. I know it.

Over the millennia, people have given these forces different names, including God, gods, Ascended Masters, guardian angels, cherubim, seraphim, and spirit guides. Regardless of what they are called, they are as real as the book you are about to read.

I’m not a priest, pastor, rabbi, imam, guru or monk promoting a specific dogma. I come from a family with a history of alcoholism. My mother took her own life when I was still a very young man. I struggled for years with guilt, depression and my own alcohol addiction. Now I’m a former journalist reporting on the seemingly inexplicable events that turned me from a depressed and alcoholic skeptic into a content and sober spiritual seeker. 

What is it to awaken to the divine, and know that our lives are informed and shaped by spiritual guidance from other realms?

Queen of the Heavens helps us open the gateway to those unseen worlds. Respected journalist Kingsley Guy takes us back to ancient Egypt, where gods and goddesses were not merely images carved in stone. They were as real as the sunset and the wind blowing through papyrus reeds. Known as the Neters, they passed back and forth between the dimensions, working magic in people’s lives. Come meet Tuya. Through her gifts as a healer, this extraordinary woman gained the attention of the royal court and rose from commoner to queen. Tuya inspired and transformed the lives of those she touched during the Golden Age of the Pharaohs. Allow her to do the same for you.