Storytelling: Gateway to Worlds Unseen™
Blog Post #1 - February 25, 2020
Did you know that Henry Ford believed in reincarnation, or that Thomas Edison was a member of the Theosophical Society — the organization co-founded by the Russian mystic Helena Blavatsky that helped introduce Buddhist and Hindu spiritual ideas to the West?
And how about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? Most people know him as the author of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, but Sir Arthur also wrote a two-volume work called the History of Spiritualism. It’s among the best accounts of the movement that swept through the United States and Europe beginning in 1848, and through mediums and séances purported to prove the existence of an afterlife.
“Sir Arthur has let fiction get the better of him,” his critics scoffed. “Only the gullible would believe that objects can fly around séance rooms seemingly under their own power, that tables can levitate, and that mediums can talk to the dead.”
But what about the observations of William Crookes, one of the top chemists and physicists of the19th century? He discovered the element thallium and invented what evolved into the vacuum tube.
Crookes’ scientific colleagues cheered when he announced he would study the phenomena that took place at séances, certain he would declare them to be so much “hocus-pocus.”
Yes, there were frauds, but Crookes concluded that the phenomena he witnessed, including the appearance of spirit beings, were real. Such apostasy nearly got him booted out of the Royal Society!
Materialism has become a new religion, but in this “Age of the Kardashians” shouldn’t we be exploring spiritual realms, and talking more about spiritual ideas? This might help restore some balance to a society that often seems to be careening into nihilistic oblivion.
In my Amazon #1 Bestseller Piercing the Veil: A Skeptical Journalist Discovers Unseen Worlds, I relate events in my life that made me realize spiritual dimensions exist that interact and influences the material world. These events, some of which defied the known laws of physics, forced me to re-evaluate my materialistic belief system and embark on a spiritual journey.
By sharing my story, I hoped to get other people talking about their own experiences that point to the existence of spiritual realms. The book, however, was only the beginning. This is the first installment of my blog, in which I will write about Ford, Edison, Madame Blavatsky and others, and also deal with topics such as near-death experiences, angels, and reincarnation.
I’ll also be launching a YouTube channel called, “Piercing the Veil.” I’ll interview guests who have had first-hand encounters with Unseen Worlds and possess insights that could help viewers on their own spiritual quests.
I encourage you to join the Piercing the Veil Community by clicking the button below. We’ll keep you informed about upcoming events, new blog posts and videos. Here’s a promise: The Piercing the Veil Community will deal with a wide range of ideas, and be a “Dogma Free Zone.”
About the Author
Kingsley Guy is the author of the Amazon #1 Bestseller Piercing the Veil: A Skeptical Journalist Discovers Unseen Worlds, a winner of a prestigious Nautilus Book Award.
Kingsley Guy was employed by South Florida’s Sun Sentinel newspaper for 30 years, including 23 as editorial page editor. During his career, he had assignments in the Middle East, India, Russia, and China, and conversed with hundreds of prominent newsmakers, including John McCain, Hillary Clinton, John Glenn, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Madeleine Albright. He has been a frequent guest on radio and television. Before Piercing the Veil, he wrote the critically acclaimed novel, Queen of the Heavens, also an Amazon #1 Bestseller. Both books are available on Amazon in print and eBook form.